Researchers working with Professor Gene Myers

Professor Myers is assembling a small, focused team and also collaborating with three other units at OIST. Pictured left to right: Gaurav Agavekar, lead collaborator from Professor Evan Economo’s Biodiversity and Biocomplexity Unit; Tracey Audisio, lead collaborator from Professor Tom Bourguignon’s Evolutionary Genomics Unit; Dr. Takeshi Takeuchi, lead collaborator from Professor Nori Satoh’s Marine Genomics Unit; and Dr. Yoshihiko Suzuki, a postdoctoral scholar in Professor Gene Myer’s Algorithms for Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics Unit.
Professor Myers is assembling a small, focused team and also collaborating with three other units at OIST. Pictured left to right: Gaurav Agavekar, lead collaborator from Professor Evan Economo’s Biodiversity and Biocomplexity Unit; Tracey Audisio, lead collaborator from Professor Tom Bourguignon’s Evolutionary Genomics Unit; Dr. Takeshi Takeuchi, lead collaborator from Professor Nori Satoh’s Marine Genomics Unit; and Dr. Yoshihiko Suzuki, a postdoctoral scholar in Professor Gene Myer’s Algorithms for Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics Unit.
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