Workshop: Supporting Women in STEM: Looking Towards the Future

Workshop: Supporting Women in STEM: Looking Towards the Future
Tuesday March 26th, 2024 09:30 AM to 11:00 AM
Seminar Room C209


This interactive workshop will begin with Dr. Tan framing the current state of gender equity in STEM, including progress that has been made, challenges that remain, and efforts to support women in STEM. In the second part of the workshop, C-Hub Director Dr. Kathy Takayama will guide us in using a systems thinking approach to collaboratively identify concrete pathways towards change within the local OIST environment and beyond. Workshop participants will leave this session with stronger social and professional connections with colleagues and with greater awareness of local and global challenges and priorities for improving gender equity in STEM.

Session format: in person (OIST community only).

Please confirm your participation HERE.


Dr. Taralyn Tan

Assistant Dean for Educational Innovation and Scholarship in the Office for Graduate Education at Harvard Medical School

Dr. Taralyn (Tari) Tan serves as the Assistant Dean for Educational Innovation and Scholarship in the Office for Graduate Education at Harvard Medical School, where she is also a Lecturer on Neurobiology. In these roles Dr. Tan leads educational programs including an NIH-funded neuroscience post-baccalaureate program (PiNBAC) and a neuroscience partnership between Harvard Medical School and Morehouse School of Medicine, she teaches courses on neuroscience and pedagogy, she engages in education scholarship related to inclusive pedagogy and student metacognition, and she runs a variety of workshops for trainees and faculty to build institutional capacity for effective mentorship and inclusive teaching practices. Dr. Tan earned her PhD in Neurobiology from Harvard University and completed an education-focused postdoctoral program as a Curriculum Fellow at Harvard Medical School. She served as Director of Education, and later Associate Director, of the Harvard PhD Program in Neuroscience prior to beginning her current position. Dr. Tan is passionate about increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM. During her fellowship at C-Hub, she will be collaborating with OIST to develop an innovative course centered on integrating diversity and inclusion into neuroscience curricula, and giving workshops on Designing Inclusive STEM Training Environments, Supporting Women in STEM, and discussions on career pathways.

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