Women in Mathematics Photography Exhibits

Women in Mathematics Photography Exhibits
Monday March 20th, 2023 to Sunday March 26th, 2023 (All day)
Central Building Level C and Tunnel Gallery


"Entering the field of mathematics can be tough, and women often encounter specific obstacles. The exhibition offers a glimpse into the world of mathematics through photographs (by Noel Tovia Matoff) and excerpts of interviews (by Sylvie Paycha with Sara Azzali for some of them) of twenty-three women mathematicians from around the world." The portraits will be in Central Building Level C from March 20–26.

Additionally, "Hands-on Maths!" is a series of portraits taken by Noel Tovia Matoff of the hands of women mathematicians from around the world. These will be displayed on screens in the Tunnel Gallery from March 20–26.   

Learn more about the project at womeninmath.net.

These exhibits coincide with the Women at the Intersection of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Meet in Okinawa workshop scheduled for March 20–24 at OIST.

To mark the opening of the exhibitions, the public is invited to attend a talk by Professor Sylvie Paycha and Noel Tovia Matoff in C209 at 17:30 on Monday, March 20. No registration is necessary.

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