Uchinaaguchi 101 -Let’s learn Uchinaaguchi (Okinawan language) and its history! with KEIO students! -

Uchinaaguchi 101 -Let’s learn Uchinaaguchi (Okinawan language) and its history! with KEIO students! -
Monday July 29th, 2024 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM
Conference Center Meeting Room #1



Haisai/Haitai(Hello)! Nifee deebiru (Thank you)! You have likely heard those words when you visit Okinawa. Did you know that Uchinaaguchi, the Okinawan language, and other languages in the Ryukyu archipelago are endangered? This session will give a sneak peek at: 

  • Why these languages are endangered 
  • Words we can use in medical fields 
  • Activities at OIST promoting Uchinaaguchi and Okinawan culture 

This fun session is for all OIST community members and KEIO students interested in indigenous languages and/or Uchinaa (Okinawa)! 

Uchinaaguchi: はいさい/はいたい (Hello)!にふぇーでーびる (Thank you)!むしかしーねー、うちなーんかい めんせーる とぅち うちなーぐち ちちゃるくとぅ あいびーる はじやー。やいびーしが、うちなーぐちとぅか るーちゅーぬ しまじまんかい ある くとぅばー たったたった ねーん ないぎーんり いらっとーし わかいびーてぃー?うぬ セッションをぅてぃ うちなーに ちーてぃ、るーちゅーぬ くとぅばに ちーてぃ  いひぐゎー 紹介 さびーん。 

  1. ぬーんち くとぅば ねーん ないが? 

  1. いさぬ やー をぅてぃ ちかーりーる くとぅばー ぬーが あが? 

  1. オイストをぅてぃ ちゃんねーる うちなーぐち・うちなーぬ 活動 さっとーいびーが? 

うぬ セッショノー うちなーぬ くとぅば・うちなーにちーてぃ すーみぬ あみせーる ぐすーよーぬ たみなかい さびーんどー! 



Misato Matsuda, OIST (Office of Dean of Faculty Affairs) 

Chiaki Chibana, OIST (Office of Dean of Faculty Affairs) 

Ami Chinen, OIST (Core Facilities) 

Naoko Tokumoto, OIST (Office of the CIO) 

Aya Puca, OIST (Office of the Dean of the Graduate School) 

We are Uchinaanchu (Okinawan) and work in different divisions at OIST. We actively promote Uchinaa culture, especially Ryukyuan dances and Uchinaaguchi (Okinawan language) within OIST communities. 

わったー うちなーんちゅ ぐにのー OISTをぅてぃ はたらちょーいびーん。ひーじーから てーしちに そーる うちなー・うちなーぐちに ちーてぃ、OISTぬ しんかぬちゃーんかい ちてーる たみなかい、ありくり はまてぃ 活動 そーいびーん。 

Workshop Details

  • Date & Time: Monday, 29th July 4:30p.m - 5:30p.m
  • Venue: Conference Center Meeting Room#1
  • Capacity: 10 people from OISTers +20 KEIO Medical Students
  • Fee:Free for Everyone (First-come, First- served)
  • Language: English,Japanese, Uchinaaguchi(Okinawan language)

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