TSVP Talk: "Meta-Research & Meta-Analysis in Ecology & Evolution" by Shinichi Nakagawa

TSVP Talk: "Meta-Research & Meta-Analysis in Ecology & Evolution" by Shinichi Nakagawa
Thursday March 16th, 2023 04:00 PM to 05:10 PM
L4E48, Zoom


Title: Meta-Research & Meta-Analysis in Ecology & Evolution

Abstract: This talk comes in two parts. First, I tackle the question - are we in a replication crisis in ecology and evolutionary biology? I present our recent work on the replicability of ecological and evolutionary studies, where we examined over 80 meta-analyses in relation to statistical power and other related metrics. Second, I speculate on the future of meta-analysis in ecology and evolution and beyond. Will meta-analysis be obsolete in the face of big data? Not at all. I discuss how data integration, via meta-analyses, combining literature-based data and other types of data, such as citizen science data, will be the future. I present our recent work, where we used eBird data to conduct the biggest meta-analysis.

Profile: Shinichi is originally from Japan but has studied and worked in New Zealand, UK, Germany and Australia. He is currently a Professor of Evolutionary Ecology and Synthesis at the University of New South Wales (UNSW, Sydney). His work revolves around understanding individual variation and its maintenance. Yet, his work is interdisciplinary with publications in (bio)medicine, psychology, ecology, evolutionary biology, education, environmental sciences, statistics and neurosciences. For more info, please visit his webpage and check this recent article in Current Biology.

Language: English, no interpretation.

Target audience: General audience / everyone at OIST and beyond.
Freely accessible to all OIST members and guests without registration.

This talk will also be broadcast online via Zoom:

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Meeting ID: 969 0487 1618
Passcode: 402073

※ Please note that this event will be recorded and the video uploaded. In addition, photos may be taken during the event. These are intended for publication online to report on the website, social media, etc.

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