Seminar"Synthetic Recognition Materials: Mimicking Nature’s Antibodies"Mark Sullivan

Seminar"Synthetic Recognition Materials: Mimicking Nature’s Antibodies"Mark Sullivan
Tuesday January 16th, 2024 03:00 PM


Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics (Shen) Unit would like to invite you to the seminar by Dr. Mark Sullivan on January 16 (Tuesday).
Date:   January 16, 2024
Time:  15:00-16:00
Venue: B503, OIST


Mark Sullivan
Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Department of Chemistry, University of Sheffield, UK


Synthetic Recognition Materials: Mimicking Nature’s Antibodies


Molecular recognition is an important feature nature that usually comes from bioreceptors, such as enzymes or antibodies with specific analytes, with a high degree of selectivity amongst a matrix of other chemical or biological components. The ability to engineer new functional recognition materials can revolutionised the world of modern-day medicine through new diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities. Nanotechnology has enabled innovative biosensors with applications of detecting early stages of cancer; bacterial and viral infections; or trace pharmaceutical analysis. Moreover, the use of nanotechnology for targeted drug delivery to specific areas has opened the vast potential of personalised medicine enabling therapies with greater efficacy and much-reduced side effects. Molecular imprinting is an exciting technique to produce new functional materials with a high degree of target-specific selectivity, offering a low-cost and robust alternative to natural bioreceptors.

In this talk I will discuss how we’ve used molecularly imprinting to develop arrange of new functional recognition materials.

Prof. Amy Shen

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