[Seminar] Professor Kazushi Aoyama "Chiral symmetry breaking and spin dynamics in zero-field breathing-Kagome antiferromagnets"

[Seminar] Professor Kazushi Aoyama "Chiral symmetry breaking and spin dynamics in zero-field breathing-Kagome antiferromagnets"
Wednesday October 9th, 2024 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM
B503, Zoom



Prof. Kazushi Aoyama / Department of Earth and Space Science, Osaka University


Chiral symmetry breaking and spin dynamics in zero-field breathing-Kagome antiferromagnets


In magnetic materials, the scalar spin chirality χijk = Si・(Sj × Sk) open plays an important role. When the total chirality summed over the whole system χT is nonzero, the associated noncoplanar spin state can be characterized by the sign of χT. For example, skyrmion crystal (SkX) and anti-skyrmion crystal (anti-SkX) states [1] correspond to negative- and positive-chirality states, respectively. Although the SkX is usually realized in a magnetic field, such a chiral order can appear even at zero field, one example of which is realized in J1-J3 Heisenberg antiferromagnets on the breathing kagome lattice [2] where the spin structure in the chiral phase can be viewed as a miniature version of the SkX. In this system, χT<0 and χT>0 states (miniature SkX and anti-SkX structures) are energetically degenerate, and either one of the two is realized in the low-temperature ordered phase. In this work, we theoretically investigate how such a chirality selection affects the spin dynamics of the system.

By performing the hybrid Monte-Carlo and spin-dynamics simulations, we find that the dynamical spin structure exhibits different features depending on the sign of the chirality and that in each chiral state, the spin-wave dispersion becomes asymmetric with respect to the Γ point, suggestive of nonreciprocal spin-wave propagations. In the presentation, we will also discuss the real-space spin and chirality dynamics.

[1] N. Nagaosa and Y. Tokura, Nat. Nanotech. 8, 899 (2013).
[2] K. Aoyama and H. Kawamura, Phys. Rev. B 105, L100407 (2022); J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 92 033701 (2023).


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