Seminar "Modulation of turbulent fluctuations by small particles" by Prof. Izumi Saito

Seminar "Modulation of turbulent fluctuations by small particles" by Prof. Izumi Saito
Monday July 29th, 2024 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM
Lab3 C700




Prof. Izumi Saito
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Engineering
Nagoya Institute of Technology



Turbulent transport of small particles plays important roles in many natural phenomena and engineering applications, such as aerosols, rain drops in clouds, and pneumatic transport of solid particles. In these phenomena, small particles are not only transported by turbulence, but also modulate turbulence over a wide range of space and time scales by condensation-evaporation, heat transport, frictional forces, etc.. In this talk, I will discuss two recent works that studied the modulation of turbulent fluctuations by small particles through heat transfer (Saito et al., 2022) and frictional force (Saito et al., 2019) using direct numerical simulations and stochastic Langevin equations.


[Short bio]

2011, BSc, Kyoto University
2016, Ph.D., Kyoto University
2017, Assistant Professor, Nagoya Institute of Technology
2022, Associate Professor, Nagoya Institute of Technology




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