Seminar "Dynamics of slender flexible fibers in turbulent channel flow: A DNS-based Euler-Lagrange study" by Prof. Cristian Marchioli

Seminar "Dynamics of slender flexible fibers in turbulent channel flow: A DNS-based Euler-Lagrange study" by Prof. Cristian Marchioli
Monday October 28th, 2024 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM
Center Bldg. B503




Dr. Cristian Marchioli
Professor of Fluid Mechanics
University of Udine, Italy



In this talk, I will survey some of the recent results we obtained on the dispersion of flexible fibers with high aspect ratio in wall-bounded turbulence. The fibers represent a proxy for elongated microplastics that may be found in the environment and are tracked using a point-particle Lagrangian approach. The turbulent flow in which fibers evolve is solved by means of direct numerical simulations and the results allow investigation of the fiber alignment, rotation and deformation dynamics in an anisotropic turbulent flow.



Cristian Marchioli is professor of Fluid Mechanics at the University of Udine in Italy, where he got his PhD in Chemical Science and Technology in 2003. He is also one of the Editors of the journal Acta Mechanica and director of the Dept. Fluid Mechanics of the International Center of Mechanical Sciences (CISM). His research focuses on the numerical simulation of turbulent dispersed flows, and in particular on the dynamics of flexible particles in wall-bounded turbulence.


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