Seminar "Critical properties of the Anderson transition in random graphs" by Prof. Gabriel Lemarie (CNRS researcher / visiting associate professor, CQT-NUS)

Seminar "Critical properties of the Anderson transition in random graphs" by Prof. Gabriel Lemarie (CNRS researcher / visiting associate professor, CQT-NUS)
Wednesday March 8th, 2023 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM
Seminar Room L4E01 (Lab4 E)


Speaker: Prof. Gabriel Lemarie: CNRS researcher / visiting associate professor, CQT-NUS


Gabriel Lemarie is a CNRS researcher and visiting associate professor at CQT-NUS. He received his PhD from Laboratoire Kastler Brossel under the supervision of D. Delande, after which he completed two postdocs at CEA-Saclay with J.L. Pichard and at Sapienza University, Rome with C. Castellani. His research activities focus on quantum disordered or chaotic systems, with a particular interest in the transport/localization of atomic matter waves, ergodicity breaking in quantum disordered systems, chaos-assisted tunneling, and the effects of interactions in disordered quantum systems. Since 2020, he has been working at MajuLab, an international research laboratory from CNRS-UCA-SU-NUS-NTU located in Singapore.

Critical properties of the Anderson transition in random graphs


The Anderson transition in random graphs has attracted significant attention because it can be used to better understand the many-body localization (MBL) transition. The MBL transition is still not well understood, but many results have been established for random graphs, such as the existence and precise value of a critical disorder that separates a localized from an ergodic delocalized phase. However, the renormalization group flow and the nature of the Anderson transition are not well understood. Recently, researchers have made a remarkable prediction about the flow of the MBL transition - that it is of Kosterlitz-Thouless type. In our talk, we show that the Anderson transition on graphs displays the same type of flow.

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