QG Guest Seminar: The Giant Graviton Expansion

QG Guest Seminar: The Giant Graviton Expansion
Monday July 22nd, 2024 02:00 PM


Quantum Gravity Unit Guest Seminar
Speaker: Paul Luis Roehl (DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK)
Title: "The Giant Graviton Expansion"



The AdS/CFT correspondence is one of the most important discoveries in the last 30 years, potentially providing a non-perturbative definition of string theory and opening up a window into regimes beyond weak coupling. A very important quantity to provide evidence for this match is the superconformal index at large N.
In this talk we will discuss the giant graviton expansion, a set of recent ideas which offers a string theoretic bulk interpretation of finite N corrections to the index. I will also talk about our ongoing work in recovering some brane correction terms from background fluxes.

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