The Provost Lecture Series 5

The Provost Lecture Series 5
Thursday February 16th, 2023 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM
Sydney Brenner Lecture Theater B250


Date: February 16, 2023

Title: A quest to enable viewing individual proteins at 1nm resolution

Speaker: Professor Ulf Skoglund, Structural Cellular Biology (SCB) Unit, Dean of    the Graduate School

Chair: Professor Amy Shen, Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics Unit, Provost


Three-dimensional (3D) visualization of individual, or clustered, protein conformations (e.g. movements, flexing and rotations) is one helpful way to understand protein behavior under various conditions. Using specimen recordings from a number of viewing angles in a transmission electron microscope, a 3D reconstruction of a selected volume containing the specimen can be calculated. Algorithms, that our research unit is developing at OIST, enable the 3D reconstructions to be calculated at sub-1-nm resolution for proteins as small as 35kD in fast-frozen buffer solutions. As a result, we can now establish the clustered conformational space distribution for a given macromolecule by analyzing snapshots of its various 3D conformations as they appear in a chosen buffer. This technology is useful for the pharmaceutical industries because they can view their molecules different conformational states as dependent on the buffers used.


Venue: Sydney Brenner Lecture Theater B250


16:00- 17:15: Introduction, Lecture and Q&A

17:15-17:45 Teatime


Seminar video link


The Provost Lecture Series will provide an opportunity to celebrate milestones in the careers of OIST faculty members. It will recognize newly promoted professors and those who have received prestigious awards. It will highlight faculty achievements and create a space for retiring professors to talk about their research accomplishments and lessons learned over the course of their career. It is a way to celebrate OIST faculty, introduce them to the broader OIST community, acknowledge their research successes, share about their teaching and mentorship of students, and honor their service to the university.


Contact: Office of the Provost Email:

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