The Provost Lecture Series 4

The Provost Lecture Series 4
Tuesday January 24th, 2023 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM
Sydney Brenner Lecture Theater B250


Date: January 24, 2023

Title: From so simple a beginning

Speaker: Professor Paola Laurino, Protein Engineering and Evolution Unit

Chair: Professor Simone Pigolotti, Biological Complexity Unit


From an empty space in September 2017, we built up the Protein Engineering and Evolution Unit. Thanks to OIST support in these last five years, we took over high-risk projects that led to significant discoveries. Among these projects, I will discuss a new system established in our laboratory that changes our view of enzyme performance in natural conditions.


Venue: Sydney Brenner Lecture Theater B250


16:00- 17:15: Introduction, Lecture and Q&A

17:15-17:45 Teatime


Seminar video link


The Provost Lecture Series will provide an opportunity to celebrate milestones in the careers of OIST faculty members. It will recognize newly promoted professors and those who have received prestigious awards. It will highlight faculty achievements and create a space for retiring professors to talk about their research accomplishments and lessons learned over the course of their career. It is a way to celebrate OIST faculty, introduce them to the broader OIST community, acknowledge their research successes, share about their teaching and mentorship of students, and honor their service to the university.

Contact: Office of the Provost Email:

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