OIST Workshop "Invitation to Recursion, Resurgence, and Combinatorics"

OIST Workshop "Invitation to Recursion, Resurgence, and Combinatorics"
Tuesday April 4th, 2023 to Friday April 14th, 2023 (All day)
OIST Main Campus, Lab 4, Seminar Room L4E48


The school and workshop will focus on a triangular relation between resurgence, tensor models, and topological recursion. The school offers introductory lectures on the three topics by young talented researchers, and there will be a poster session for participants during the school too. Target audience for the school is graduate students and researchers new to the topics. The workshop brings together world-leading experts from the three main topics and there will be free discussion times for fostering new international collaboration. In addition to talks by invited speakers, we will organise a young researcher session at which a few selected applicants will give 30-min talks. 

  • Resurgence, broadly speaking, is a resummation technique to capture non-perturbative effects from asymptotic series in quantum field theories. Resurgence has a close link with Stokes phenomena, wall-crossing phenomena, BPS structures, space of stability conditions, and algebro-geometric invariants.
  • Tensor models are the combinatorial side of the triangle. Their Feynman diagrams providing a natural discretization of piecewise-linear manifolds, they have been developed as an approach to quantum gravity in more than two dimensions. Their solvability at leading order has ties with non-trivial (melonic) CFTs, the SYK model, but they are also related to data analysis, quantum information, random geometry, turbulence, etc.
  • Topological recursion is a powerful recursive formalism to compute a variety of invariants in mathematical physics. Although it originated from the study of Hermitian matrix models, it has been applied to enumerative geometry, topological string theory, integrable systems, WKB analysis, vertex operator algebras, and more. 

Main organizers:

For more information, please visit the workshop's website

OIST is deeply committed to the advancement of women in science, in Japan and worldwide. Women are strongly encouraged to apply.

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