OIST NetCafé Online Information Session in October 2024

OIST NetCafé Online Information Session in October 2024
Friday October 4th, 2024 10:00 AM


The session will start with OIST general introduction, PhD and Research Internship admission process, financial support and student life. This time, we have invited two current OIST PhD students, who will give you insights into the study and research environment at OIST from different stages of their PhD studies.


Aditya Singh (PhD student at the Nonlinear and Non-equilibrium Physics Unit)

I earned my degree in Physics from Ashoka University in Delhi. My research focuses on exploring a classical analogue of a fundamental quantum phenomenon called rhetorical Aharonov-Bohm effect. This work seeks to find a bridge between the fields of fluids and quantum mechanics, providing a sandbox to test theories that share a mathematical correspondence but are challenging to experiment with directly.

Beyond my research, Okinawa already offers a lot of activities to enjoy such as snorkeling and camping. At OIST, thanks to the vibrant community, I spend my free time playing football and bouldering.

Emma Gairin (PhD student at the Marine Eco-Evo-Devo Unit)

My research interests revolve around the impacts of humans on marine environments. I have an undergraduate degree in geosciences from the University of Edinburgh and a master’s degree in ecology and evolution from ENS in Paris. At OIST, as part of the Marine Eco-Evo-Devo Unit (Vincent Laudet), I am investigating the impacts of human presence and pollution on damselfish development during early life stages along the coastline of Okinawa. This means spending a lot of time in the field during the summer, and then computer work in the winter. In my free time, I am doing karate and I am a member of the OIST orchestra. I also like to explore Okinawa’s reefs, waterfalls, and restaurants with friends.

Targeted Audience

Anyone interested in PhD and Research Internship at OIST

Event Details

OIST NetCafe Online Information Session in October 2024


Admissions and Outreach Section
OIST Graduate School

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