OIST Innovators Society - Bagasse Upcycle

OIST Innovators Society - Bagasse Upcycle
Friday March 17th, 2023 11:15 AM to 12:00 PM
Seminar room L4E01 (Lab 4, Level E)


On March 17th (Friday), the innovators society is hosting an informal seminar with Shinji Odo, Founder and CEO of BAGASSE UPCYCLE Inc. (https://bagasse-upcycle.com/home/) – an Okinawa-based startup whose mission is to change people‘s clothing consumption behavior in tourist destinations and travel scenes in a sustainable way.

Bagasse UPCYCLE primarily aims to reduce clothing waste by (1) utilizing environmentally friendly raw materials derived from bagasse (sugar cane residue) and (2) incorporating sharing economy mechanism, i.e., collaborative consumption or peer-to-peer-based sharing.

Please join us to listen to Shinji while he introduces his company, the fabrication process from start to finish and the available products.

Date: Friday, March 17th, 2023

Venue: Seminar room L4E01 (Lab 4, Level E)

Time: 11:15-12:00

These talks are set up to share and learn about new innovations and new concepts that will help motivate and guide us to develop technology that could solve real world problems. So, please feel free to share the events, join in and ask any questions that you may have.

Please feel free to contact Shivani for any questions. Share the word and see you all there!


Shinji is CEO of BAGASSE UPCYCLE Inc., providing PaaS (Platform-as-a-service) model apparel service in Okinawa Japan, founded in 2021. Shinji is designing the entire value cycle of its apparel service by committing Okinawan local context, such as sugarcane as a raw material of garment and Kariyushi wear, a local fashion culture. Shinji also works as an advisor for SME Japan, the CSO of Curelabo Inc, a material development company for fashion industry, and the Executive Director of okicom Co., LTD, a local IT company in Okinawa. Shinji graduated from Singapore Management University, MBA in 2016 and earned “Circular Economy and Sustainability Strategies” from University of Cambridge, executive education, in 2021. 

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