Introduction to TESCAN 4D STEM and microCT

Introduction to TESCAN 4D STEM and microCT
Tuesday December 5th, 2023 01:30 PM to 03:30 PM
Lab 1 C015


Speaker: Dr. Antonín Doupal, TESCAN Group

TESCAN TENSOR -  The world-first near-UHV, Precession-Assisted, Analytical 4D-STEM

TENSOR is a fully integrated and synchronized analytical STEM microscope that enables multimodal characterization of morphological, chemical, and structural properties of functional materials, thin films, and synthetic particles at the nanoscale. The completely new design of the microscope provides high levels of automation with superior performance, data quality, and fast time to results. While streamlined workflows with on-the-fly data processing enable interactive 4D-STEM measurements and analysis, the Python scripting interface with open API facilitates advanced 4D-STEM experiments and development of new methods and workflows.


Speaker: Dr. Marijn Boone, TESCAN Group

TESCAN Micro-CT - multi-scale and dynamic 3D imaging for material science and energy materials research

Micro-CT has evolved to a common technology for non-destructive 3D characterization of materials science samples. It is a unique technique that can characterize porosity and density (variation), look for defects and study structural parameters such as orientation, volume fraction or distribution of certain components. The non-destructive nature of micro-CT makes it perfect to study the evolution of these structural parameters over time, in so-called 4D experiments. The fast dynamic imaging and complex in situ capabilities of the system will be highlighted with some application examples.  Another recent development enables yet another dimension in micro-CT research. Using novel spectral CT capabilities, it is possible to supplement structural information with elemental, chemical and compositional information.

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