"Identification and functional dissection of an understudied corticohippocampal circuit in spatial learning and memory" Jacque Pak Kan Ip (TP24NM)

"Identification and functional dissection of an understudied corticohippocampal circuit in spatial learning and memory"  Jacque Pak Kan Ip (TP24NM)
Tuesday July 30th, 2024 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM


Title: Identification and functional dissection of an understudied corticohippocampal circuit in spatial learning and memory

Speaker: Dr. Jacque Pak Kan Ip, Chinese University of Hongkong

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Meeting ID: 977 0830 9427
Passcode: 544316

This seminar is part of the Thematic Program: Neuromodulation of Adaptive Learning: Theoretical Lessons Learned From Invertebrate and Vertebrate Brains which is hosted by the Visiting Program (TSVP) at OIST from July 1 - August 11, 2024.

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