
Governor Abercrombie (left) and President Greenwood (right) present a gift from Hawaii to Jonathan Dorfan.
On 13 October OIST was honored by the joint visit of Neil Abercrombie, Governor of Hawaii, and M.R.C. Greenwood, President of the University of Hawaii System. After a presentation of OIST from Jonathan Dorfan, there was a novel addition to the tour when 3 members of the University of Hawaii delegation sang a beautiful Oli, a traditional Hawaiian chant of friendship. One of the singers, Kekai Avilez, is an old friend of OIST as he was one of the participants in the Asia-Pacific Youth Science Exchange Forum organized by OIST and the University of the Ryukyus in September.
“It is a thrill to be here.” Governor Abercrombie stated. “OIST’s capacity to extend the boundaries of science is immeasurable. Think of the State of Hawaii, and our University as resources and as partners.” President Greenwood looked forward to strong links between OIST and the University of Hawaii, “Potentially OIST is the perfect partner for the University of Hawaii, and I expect great leaders in science to come out of your program.”
MRC Greenwood and Jonathan Dorfan had a private discussion on how to develop the relationship between the universities while the rest of the delegation toured the research facilities with Dr Baughman. Rain poured throughout the visit but it could do nothing to dampen the warmth and enthusiasm that was generated by both sides during this memorable first encounter between two island universities.

Students of University of Hawaii perform "Oli"

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