Fall 2024 Schooling Options Seminar

Fall 2024 Schooling Options Seminar
Thursday October 3rd, 2024 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
B250 Sydney Brenner Lecture Hall


Dear OIST parents and carers,


You are cordially invited to the 2024 Schooling Options Seminar on October 3rd, 2024 from 17:00-19:00.
Register Here: https://forms.office.com/r/QGByAbat2i


Representatives from six schools will be present to share what makes their school unique and answer your questions.


If you are unable to join our Schooling Options bus tours to most of the above schools, it will be another opportunity for you to get to speak with them and ask questions in person!



This event will be held both in-person and on Zoom. For more information, please see the attached flier.

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