Entanglement topography of large-scale quantum networks

Entanglement topography of large-scale quantum networks
Wednesday December 13th, 2023 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM


13 December 2023

Title: Entanglement topography of large-scale quantum networks

Speaker: Dr. Siddhartha Santra, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India

Abstract of Talk: Large-scale quantum networks, necessary for distributed quantum information processing, are posited to have quantum entangled systems between distant network nodes. The extent and quality of distributed entanglement in a given quantum network depends on its topology, edge-parameter distributions and the distribution protocol. We uncover the parametric entanglement topography and introduce the notion of typical and maximal viable regions for entanglement-enabled tasks in a general model of large-scale quantum networks. We show that such a topographical analysis, in terms of viability regions, reveals important structural information about quan- tum networks, provides experimental targets for the edge parameters and can guide efficient quantum network design.

Profile of Speaker: Siddhartha Santra is an assistant professor in the Physics department at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India. He obtained his PhD at the University of Southern California in 2014 following which he was a postdoc at the US Army Research Laboratory, Maryland.

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