"BRST formalism of Weyl conformal gravity in Weyl geometry" Prof. Ichiro Oda, University of the Ryukyus

"BRST formalism of Weyl conformal gravity in Weyl geometry" Prof. Ichiro Oda, University of the Ryukyus
Wednesday May 17th, 2023 02:00 PM
Lab 4, Seminar room L4E01


Quantum Gravity Unit visitor seminar.
Speaker: Prof. Ichiro Oda, University of the Ryukyus
Title: BRST formalism of Weyl conformal gravity in Weyl geometry

I present the BRST formalism of a Weyl conformal gravity in Weyl geometry. Choosing the extended de Donder gauge-fixing condition (or harmonic gauge condition) for the general coordinate invariance and the new scalar gauge-fixing for the Weyl invariance, I show that there is a global Poincare-like IOSp(10|10) symmetry. I also point out that there is a gravitational conformal symmetry in quantum gravity although there is a massive Weyl gauge field as a result of spontaneous symmetry breakdown of Weyl gauge symmetry and account for how the gravitational conformal symmetry is spontaneously broken to the Poincare symmetry. The corresponding massless Nambu-Goldstone bosons are the graviton and the dilaton. We also prove the unitarity of the physical S-matrix on the basis of the BRST quartet mechanism.



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