[BOG/BOC Special talk] Capitalism that works : Japan’s Economic Realities, Potential & Challenges

[BOG/BOC Special talk] Capitalism that works :  Japan’s Economic Realities, Potential & Challenges
Friday January 26th, 2024 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM


[BOG/BOC Special talk] Speaker: Mr. Jesper Koll

Capitalism that works :  Japan’s Economic Realities

Japan has got what it takes to be an economic superpower and role model. As new global realities and national rivalries force unprecedented challenges and uncertainty for global leaders, Japan’s social resilience, political stability, corporate competitiveness, technocratic pragmatism and private sector innovation potential are poised to deliver positive upside surprises and real opportunities. No one doubts the potential; but can Japan really outperform on its own merits? Learn where exactly the opportunities are; how you can engage and profit from Japan’s new structural up-cycle; why there is more to sustainable prosperity than innovation and profit; what forces could derail it; and why Japan’s demographic destiny is an overarching positive force for next-Generation leaders, citizens and the rising Asian middle class.


Mr. Jesper Koll

Mr. Jesper Koll has been researching and investing in Japan since becoming a resident in 1986. Over the past two decades, Jesper has been consistently recognized as one of the top Japan strategists/economists, having worked as Chief Strategist and Head of Research for U.S. investment banks J.P. Morgan and Merrill Lynch. He currently serves as Expert Director for the Monex Group and the Japan Catalyst Fund (Japan’s 1st retail investor based corporate engagement/activist fund). His analysis and insights have earned him a position on several Japanese government and corporate advisory committees. In 2022, he was appointed Global Ambassador for Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike’s Tokyo Financial Center initiative. Jesper serves as Board Director of OIST, the Okinawa Institute for Science and Technology and is a Founder and Board Director of the Asia Society Japan and heads their Policy Committee. He is one of the few non-Japanese members of the Keizai Doyukai, the Japan Association of Corporate Executives; and serves on the board of several Japan-based start-ups. He has written three books in Japanese, writes a regular column for the NiKKEI is a frequent commentator on CNBC, NHK, BBC, PIVOT etc., and runs the Japan Optimist Substack. 

Mr. Koll is an economist, angel-investor, patron; and yes, a Japan Optimist. 


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