Drop Shape Analysis System Tensionometer

With the EASYDROP and the DSA1 control and evaluation software you now have a tried and tested tool for carrying out computer-supported studies into the shapes of drops of liquid.

ENG-N044 EasyDrop Tensionometer

The Kruss Easy Drop goniometer is used to measure the contact angle of a droplet in contact with a solid surface. The shallower the contact angle the greater the wettability of the drop. The goniometer utilizes a backlight and a high-resolution camera to examine and photograph a sessile drop which has been dispensed by a precision syringe with resolution in the µL range. The high-resolution camera captures an image of the drop and the contact angle can be measured from the captured image. The surface tension in air can also be calculated by discharging enough fluid to produce a pendant drop emanating form the syringe

.The EASYDROP measuring system – depending on the hardware and software supplied – opens up the following possibilities:

• Contact angle measurements on drops of liquid in a gaseous or liquid phase

• Measurement of the surface tension of a pendant drop in a liquid or gaseous phase

• Measuring of advancing and retreating drops as their volume changes

• Evaluation of a digitized drop image by various methods

• Calculation of the surface energy of a solid by various methods

• Integrated and extendable databases with substance data on liquids that can be directly linked to the measuring data

• Comfortable data management and documentation

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