Media Coverage Media Coverage In the Media Interview Speech TV Writing Facet Media Coverage type 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 (-) 2015 2014 2013 2012 Facet Publication Date Clear filters In the Media Seaweed Capsules May Lead to an Injection-Free Life for Diabetic Patients Our new article "Seaweed Capsules May Lead to an Injection-Free Life for Diabetic Patients" has been covered by domestic and ov Overseas Media 28 December 2015 In the Media Tim Hunt and Mary Collins: ‘We’re not being chased out of the country. Our new life’s an adventure’ Please see The Guardian's story about the OIST appointment of Prof. Mary Collins as Dean of Research: The Guardian 19 December 2015 In the Media Good News for Feast Lovers? Obesity-Promoting Genes Discovered Our new research, Good News for Feast Lovers? Overseas Media 18 December 2015 In the Media [More Coverage]Ant Collection Donated to OIST A former junior-high schoolteacher, Mr. Hidetsune Takamine, who has been collecting ants in Okinawa for 40 years, donated his ant collection to OIST's Biodiversity and Biocomplexity Unit (Prof. Ryukyu Broadcasting Corp (RBC) 17 December 2015 In the Media New Theory of Okinawan Coral Migration and Diversity Proposed The story " Overseas and Japanese Media 10 December 2015 In the Media Cell Suicide Prevention Squad Our new article "Cell Suicide Prevention Squad" has been covered by domestic and overseas media: Overseas Media 08 December 2015 In the Media "Graduate Program and Internship in the Tropics: You can do these in Okinawa" OIST is now featured in a video on the online TV channel of Italy’s largest business newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore (Italian business newspaper) 02 December 2015 In the Media "OIST: New Silicon Valley will be Created in Japan” Kazakhstan's national broadcaster, recently aired a three-minute report featuring one of our studetns, Ms. Kamila Mustafina from the country, and many of our colleagues at OIST. Overseas Media 01 December 2015 In the Media OIST Featured in Japan Times Dr. Nancy Snow, the Pax Mundi professor of public diplomacy at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, visited OIST on November 6 on a media tour organized by the Foreign Press Center Japan. Japan Times 24 November 2015 In the Media "Our closest wormy cousins" - Media coverage UPDATED The OIST story "Our closest wormy cousins" was covered by the following media: overseas media 19 November 2015 In the Media Mysteries of Bony Fish Genome Evolution Our new press release "Mysteries of Bony Fish Genome Evolution" has been covered by domestic and overseas media: Overseas Media 17 November 2015 In the Media Receptors: It Takes a Dimer to Bind Our article about Prof. Maruyama's revolutionary "rotation model" has been picked up by overseas media. See the article or look at the press coverage below: Overseas Media 30 October 2015 Pagination 1 2 3 Last page News News articles and press releases from OIST News
In the Media Seaweed Capsules May Lead to an Injection-Free Life for Diabetic Patients Our new article "Seaweed Capsules May Lead to an Injection-Free Life for Diabetic Patients" has been covered by domestic and ov Overseas Media 28 December 2015
In the Media Tim Hunt and Mary Collins: ‘We’re not being chased out of the country. Our new life’s an adventure’ Please see The Guardian's story about the OIST appointment of Prof. Mary Collins as Dean of Research: The Guardian 19 December 2015
In the Media Good News for Feast Lovers? Obesity-Promoting Genes Discovered Our new research, Good News for Feast Lovers? Overseas Media 18 December 2015
In the Media [More Coverage]Ant Collection Donated to OIST A former junior-high schoolteacher, Mr. Hidetsune Takamine, who has been collecting ants in Okinawa for 40 years, donated his ant collection to OIST's Biodiversity and Biocomplexity Unit (Prof. Ryukyu Broadcasting Corp (RBC) 17 December 2015
In the Media New Theory of Okinawan Coral Migration and Diversity Proposed The story " Overseas and Japanese Media 10 December 2015
In the Media Cell Suicide Prevention Squad Our new article "Cell Suicide Prevention Squad" has been covered by domestic and overseas media: Overseas Media 08 December 2015
In the Media "Graduate Program and Internship in the Tropics: You can do these in Okinawa" OIST is now featured in a video on the online TV channel of Italy’s largest business newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore (Italian business newspaper) 02 December 2015
In the Media "OIST: New Silicon Valley will be Created in Japan” Kazakhstan's national broadcaster, recently aired a three-minute report featuring one of our studetns, Ms. Kamila Mustafina from the country, and many of our colleagues at OIST. Overseas Media 01 December 2015
In the Media OIST Featured in Japan Times Dr. Nancy Snow, the Pax Mundi professor of public diplomacy at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, visited OIST on November 6 on a media tour organized by the Foreign Press Center Japan. Japan Times 24 November 2015
In the Media "Our closest wormy cousins" - Media coverage UPDATED The OIST story "Our closest wormy cousins" was covered by the following media: overseas media 19 November 2015
In the Media Mysteries of Bony Fish Genome Evolution Our new press release "Mysteries of Bony Fish Genome Evolution" has been covered by domestic and overseas media: Overseas Media 17 November 2015
In the Media Receptors: It Takes a Dimer to Bind Our article about Prof. Maruyama's revolutionary "rotation model" has been picked up by overseas media. See the article or look at the press coverage below: Overseas Media 30 October 2015