Marco Terenzio

Marco Terenzio carried out his PhD in the laboratory of Prof. Giampietro Schiavo at Cancer Research UK in London, with the aim of identifying regulators of neurotrophin receptors endosomal distribution in motor neurons. After a brief first postdoc at the German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, Germany, where he studied the mechanisms of mitochondrial clearance, he joined the laboratory of Prof. Mike Fainzilber at the Weizmann Institute in Israel, where he investigated the mechanisms underlying cell length sensing in neurons and the axonal translational response to sciatic nerve injury.

Photo of Marco Terenzio
Marco Terenzio
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Neurobiology, University College London (UCL), 2010
M.S. Medical Biotechnology, University of Padua, Italy, 2006