Jun Tani


Research Interests

Jun Tani has been interested in a wide range of research topics, including developmental psychology, psychiatric disorders, higher-order cognition, phenomenological consciousness, primary intersubjectivity, and artificial life. His group has conducted various robotics experiments using the frameworks of complex adaptive systems and the free energy principle. His aim is to provide possible accounts for some of the nontrivial problems in the aforementioned interdisciplinary research domains by examining emergent phenomena observed in such robotics experiments.

See Publications.

See Recent Presentations.

2019 Dec -
2017 Sep -
2012 - 2017
2001 - 2012
1993 - 2001
Photo of Jun Tani
Jun Tani
Dr. Eng. Sophia University Tokyo
MSc University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
BSc Waseda University, Tokyo