Amedeo Roberto Esposito

Amedeo Roberto's research focuses on information measures, mathematical objects that lie at the intersection of Information Theory, Probability Theory, Functional Analysis, and Statistics. These measures are crucial in practical problems such as data compression, communication, and estimation. By integrating concepts from these various fields, his research seeks to deepen the understanding of information measures, blending theoretical insights with real-world applications. Examples of these applications include exploring the concentration of measure phenomenon in non-classical settings, establishing fundamental limits for estimation problems and hypothesis testing, bounding the generalisation error of learning algorithms, and reconstructing information in computational biology.

Profile photo of Amedeo Roberto Esposito
Amedeo Roberto Esposito
Assistant Professor (Transitional)
Master Degree, Computer Science, Università degli studi di Salerno
Bachelor Degree, Computer Science, Università degli studi di Salerno