[Seminar] 'Ultrafast measurements, extreme events, and fifty years of solitons in nonlinear fibre optics' by Prof John Dudley

[Seminar] 'Ultrafast measurements, extreme events, and fifty years of solitons in nonlinear fibre optics' by Prof John Dudley
Tuesday March 14th, 2023 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM
on Zoom


Speaker: Dr. John Dudley
Professor, Institut FEMTO-ST, Université de Franche-Comté-CNRS, France

The year 2023 represents fifty years since the first prediction of solitons in optical fibres. This opened up an entirely new field of nonlinear fibre optics, and many results from the fibre platform have been successfully transferred into other areas of science including plasma and atomic physics.   One area of recent interest has focused on extreme nonlinear pulse propagation in optical fibre and fibre lasers where experiments have revealed a rich landscape of complex interactions due to the interplay of nonlinearity, dispersion and dissipation. In the past, however, these dynamics have not been able to be measured completely because of experimental limitations, but new techniques have now opened up the possibility to analyze a range of novel nonlinear processes, including the generation of spontaneous “rogue wave” events with analogies to the giant and destructive waves on the surface of the ocean.  After giving a general introduction to the field and an overview of the measurement techniques used, we will discuss a range of results in both fibre propagation and fibre laser systems. We will also describe how tools from artificial intelligence such as neural networks are providing exciting new methods to study and understand such complex dynamics. Even though sixty years have passed, the study of solitons in fibre is more active than ever.  

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