Seminar "Exploring multiphase flow processes via particle-resolving simulations" by Prof. Eckart Meiburg

Seminar "Exploring multiphase flow processes via particle-resolving simulations" by Prof. Eckart Meiburg
Friday April 7th, 2023 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM
Lab3 C700 / Zoom




Eckart Meiburg
Distinguished Professor
University of California at Santa Barbara



We review grain-resolving Navier-Stokes simulations for a variety of multiphase flow processes. These simulations are based on an Immersed Boundary approach, which accurately captures the flow around each particle and in each pore space. We will discuss several different applications, among them particle sedimentation, particle-turbulence interaction and submerged granular collapse processes.  One focus will be on the influence of cohesive forces in such flows, especially the formation and break-up of aggregates consisting of several individual particles.


[Zoom link]

Meeting ID: 934 3058 7165

Passcode: 780410

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