[Seminar] 'Waveguide QED with Rydberg superatoms' by Nina Stiesdal (Bonn)

[Seminar] 'Waveguide QED with Rydberg superatoms' by Nina Stiesdal (Bonn)
Monday April 17th, 2023 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM
on Zoom


Title: Waveguide QED with Rydberg superatoms

Speaker: Nina Stiesdal, Institut of Applied Physics, University of Bonn, Germany


Join Zoom Meeting:  https://oist.zoom.us/j/95791043413?pwd=NjZWaUN0RCtmUkhDZS9tc014dm41Zz09

Meeting ID:     957 9104 3413
Passcode:    276379

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