[Seminar] "Horizontal mean curvature flow: a Riemannian approximation" by Prof. Federica Dragoni

[Seminar] "Horizontal mean curvature flow: a Riemannian approximation" by Prof. Federica Dragoni
Thursday September 14th, 2023 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM


Geometric PDE and Applied Analysis Seminar (September 14, 2023)

Title: Horizontal mean curvature flow: a Riemannian approximation

Speaker: Prof. Federica Dragoni (Cardiff University)

Abstract: In this talk I will give a brief overview on the evolution by horizontal mean curvature flow (i.e. the evolution in sub-Riemannian geometries) and compare that with the corresponding Euclidean and Riemannian evolutions. I will briefly introduce two methods for proving existence: the stochastic representation formula and the Riemannian approximation, showing then some connections between the two methods. The results are from a series of works, in collaboration with Nicolas Dirr, Raffaele Grande and Max von Renesse. 

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