Asymptotic analysis for a sharp interface model related to pattern formation in biomembranes

Asymptotic analysis for a sharp interface model related to pattern formation in biomembranes
Friday January 19th, 2024 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM



Speaker: Dr. Denis Brazke, Heidelberg University

Title: Asymptotic analysis for a sharp interface model related to pattern formation in biomembranes


We derive a macroscopic limit for a sharp interface version of a model proposed by Komura, Shimokawa and Andelman (2006) to investigate pattern formation due to competition of chemical and mechanical forces. The problem is reformulated as a non-local isoperimetric problem, for which we identify sub- and supercritical parameter regimes in terms of the relative strength of the competing local and non-local interactions. Using the autocorrelation function, we find an asymptotic expansion of the energy in terms of the length scale parameter up to second order and derive the Γ-limit in the subcritical and critical parameter regime. This is joint work with Hans Knüpfer and Anna Marciniak-Czochra.


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