The Provost Lecture Series 12

The Provost Lecture Series 12
Thursday February 22nd, 2024 04:00 PM to 05:30 PM
Sydney Brenner Lecture Theater B250


Date: February 22, 2024

Speaker:  Professor Yasha Neiman, Quantum Gravity Unit

Title: Gravity just wants to spend more time with you.

Chair: Professor Sam Reiter, Computational Neuroethology Unit



This is a physics lecture for non-physicists. Our main goal will be to understand the familiar gravitational force as a consequence of time dilation. We will talk about:

1. How the reflection and refraction laws of geometric optics follow from

Fermat's least-time principle.

2. "Experienced time" vs. "coordinate time" in Special Relativity and the twins' paradox.

3. Inertia from a "most experienced time principle".

4. Newtonian gravity from a modification of the experienced-time formula.

5. The metric field of General Relativity.

6. Electromagnetism as an "extra" contribution to experienced time.

7. Mass, charge, action.


Venue: Sydney Brenner Lecture Theater B250



16:00- 17:00: Introduction, Lecture and Q&A

17:00-17:30 Teatime


Seminar video link


The Provost Lecture Series will provide an opportunity to celebrate milestones in the careers of OIST faculty members. It will recognize newly promoted professors and those who have received prestigious awards. It will highlight faculty achievements and create a space for retiring professors to talk about their research accomplishments and lessons learned over the course of their career. It is a way to celebrate OIST faculty, introduce them to the broader OIST community, acknowledge their research successes, share about their teaching and mentorship of students, and honor their service to the university.



Contact: Office of the Provost Email:

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