[Seminar] "Can the Use of Avatars Contribute to Human Well-Being?" by Prof. Ando Hideyuki

[Seminar] "Can the Use of Avatars Contribute to Human Well-Being?" by Prof. Ando Hideyuki
Wednesday August 7th, 2024 11:00 AM
C209, Central building


Speaker: Dr. Ando Hideyuki
Professor in Department of Art Science,  Osaka University of Arts

Can the Use of Avatars Contribute to Human Well-Being?

We discuss the effect of using an avatar on interper-sonal communication. Past research has confirmed that changes in commu-nication and cognition such as the "Proteus effect" and "disappearance of stereotypes" occur. In this research, we are discussing whether we can im-prove our own wellbeing. Users with a tendency to stutter cannot speak well face-to-face, but wearing an avatar reduces the number of times they stutter, and it was confirmed that stress was reduced from the biological re-sponse. Based on this, we discuss the impact of avatars on communication-related wellbeing.

Born in Gifu in 1974. In 1999, he obtained a master's degree in electrical and electronic engineering from Aichi Institute of Technology and dropped out of the doctoral course. Since 2001, he has been a researcher in the JST "Coordination and Control" area at the University of Tokyo. In 2004, he was awarded a doctorate in information science and technology at the University of Tokyo. In 2004, he was a researcher at NTT Communication Science Research Institute. In 2008, he was awarded the Graduate School of Osaka University. Associate professor at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, and professor at the Department of Art Science at Osaka University of Arts in 2020.Based on the principles of human sensation-perception-movement, we conduct research on illusion-based interfaces mainly in the fields of VR, AR, and XR, surgical re-experience training systems in collaboration with doctors, and information technology and social design that realize well-being. engaged in In addition to basic research, he is interested in the social contribution of cutting-edge science and technology as artistic expression, and he also produces works himself. Recipients include the 12th Japan Media Arts Festival Excellence Award and ARS ELECTRONICA PRIX Honorary Mention (2009, 2011).

Hosted by Cybernetic Humanity Studio (OIST - Sony CSL collaboration)

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