OIST Career Fair 2024

OIST Career Fair 2024
Thursday November 14th, 2024 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM
B250, Conference Centre 1 - 4


Objective / 趣旨

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) will organize the first OIST Career Fair on November 14th (Thu.), 2024. This career fair aims to provide opportunities for OIST students and companies in Japan to connect, build professional network, and create future employment. Through this, OIST students will be able to explore industry career paths, and companies will be able to learn the benefits of employing PhD holders.


Outline of the Event / イベント概要

Date/ Time: November 14th (Thu.), 2024 from 9:00 to 18:00

日時:令和6年 11月14日(木) 9:00 - 18:00

Venue:  Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST)


Target Audience: OIST PhD students, Foreign PhD students in Universities in Okinawa, Foreign PhD students from Consortium for Career Development of PhD (CCDP)

対象:OIST PhD学生、県内大学在籍の外国籍の後期PhD学生、博士人材育成専門委員会加入大学在籍の外国籍の後期PhD学生

Contents: Prease refer to the Program below.


Language: English

言語: 英語

Participation Fee: Only participating Company will be charged. Please refer to registration form for the detailed information.

参加費用: 参加企業のみ費用が発生します。詳しくは申込フォームをご参照ください。

Deadline for Company Registration: September 2nd (Monday), 2024. After the deadline, invoice will be sent. 





Program / プログラム


Program / プログラム

9:00 -

Registration / 受付 

9:30 – 10:30

Panel Discussion with Companies and OIST students


Discussion about what companies are expecting from researcher such as skills , and what students think about researchers in industry, skills, etc..



Company Presentation (3 min each)

企業プレゼンテーション (各3分程度)

12:00 – 13:30

Lunch / 昼食

13:30 – 15:00

OIST Student Poster Presentation



Matching Booth Visit 1 (by Appointment)

企業OIST学生ブース面談 1 (予約制)


Matching Booth Visit 2

企業OIST学生ブース面談 2 

18:00 -

Networking / ネットワーキング


How to Register / 参加方法

Click links below for the registration.


For General Company/ 一般企業向け For INO member/ INO会員向け For Srudents/ 学生向け

Contact us / お問い合わせ

Click HERE to contact us.


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