Satoshi Mitarai
The primary objective of Professor Mitarai’s research is to understand the role of ocean turbulence in regulating biological processes and its consequences for population structure and dynamics of marine ecosystems, through international collaborations. These studies include investigations of larval dispersal via coastal eddies and the role of dispersal in structuring marine populations, understanding biological responses of corals to turbulent flows and their integrated effects on biogeochemical cycling, and impacts of tropical cyclones on particle aggregation and biological pumps. Using his skills and experience as a fluid dynamicist, Professor Mitarai contributes to a new interdisciplinary field in the marine sciences.
Commendation from the Commandant of the Japan Coast Guard
Commendation from the 11th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, Naha, Okinawa
ESA Outstanding Published Paper Award
Steering Committee, CoastPredict, UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
Editorial Board, Frontiers in Marine Science (Associate Editor)
Advisory Board, Environmental Impact Assessment for Deep-Sea Mining, JOGMEC (Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation)
Satoshi Mitarai
Dean of Research
PhD, The University of Washington
BS, MS, Osaka Prefecture University