

  • Hiroo Azuma, William J. Munro, and Kae Nemoto, Heralded single-photon source based on superpositions of squeezed states, Phys. Rev. A 109, 053711 (2024)
  • P.-Z. Li, J. Dias, W. J. Munro, P. van Loock, K. Nemoto, and N. Lo Piparo, Performance of Rotation-Symmetric Bosonic Codes in a Quantum Repeater Network, Adv. Quantum Technol. 2300252 (2024).


Coming soon



  • Bruno Coelho Coutinho, William John Munro, Kae Nemoto, and Yasser Omar, “Robustness of noisy quantum networks”, Communications Physics 5, 105 (2022), April 28, 2022,
  • Todd Tilma, Mario A. Ciampini, Mark J. Everitt, W. J. Munro, Paolo Mataloni, Kae Nemoto, and Marco Barbieri , “Visualizing multiqubit correlations using the Wigner function”, The European Physical Journal D 76, 90 (2022) (7 pages), May 20,2022,
  • W. J. Munro, Nicolo' Lo Piparo, Josephine Dias, Michael Hanks, and Kae Nemoto, “Designing tomorrow's quantum internet” AVS Quantum Sci. 4(2), 020503 (2022), June 8, 2022,
  • Akitada Sakurai, Marta P. Estarellas, William J. Munro, and Kae Nemoto, “Quantum extreme reservoir computation utilizing scale-free networks” Physical Review Applied 17(6), 064044 (2022) (10 pages), June 23, 2022,
  • Thomas R. Scruby, Michael Vasmer, Dan E. Browne, “Non-Pauli Errors in the Three-Dimensional Surface Code” Phys. Rev. Research 4(4), 043052 (2022),  October 21, 2022,
  • Josephine Dias, Matthew S. Winnel, William J. Munro, T. C. Ralph, and Kae Nemoto, “Distributing entanglement in first-generation discrete- and continuous-variable quantum repeaters” Phys. Rev. A 106(5), 052604 (2022), November 7, 2022,
  • Kunihiro Wasa, Shin Nishio, Koki Suetsugu, Michael Hanks, Ashley Stephens, Yu Yokoi, and Kae Nemoto, “Hardness of braided quantum circuit optimization in the surface code” IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering 4, 3100207 (pp. 1 -7) (2023), March 2, 2023,
  • Shin Nishio, Nicolò Lo Piparo, Michael Hanks, William John Munro, and Kae Nemoto, “Resource Reduction in Multiplexed High-Dimensional Quantum Reed-Solomon Codes” Phys. Rev. A 107(3), 032620 (2023) (11 pages), March 29, 2023,


  • Kunihiro Wasa, Shin Nishio, Koki Suetsugu, Michael Hanks, Ashley Stephens, Yu Yokoi, and Kae Nemoto, “Hardness of braided quantum circuit optimization in the surface code”, Proceedings of QRE2022 (The 4th International Workshop on Quantum Resource Estimation) (2022), June 18, 2022
  • Ryo Wakisaka and Shin Nishio, “InQuIR: Intermediate Representation for Interconnected Quantum Computers” Proceedings of QRE2022 (The 4th International Workshop on Quantum Resource Estimation) (2022), June 18, 2022

Books and other one-time Publications:

  • 応用物理、第91巻、第8号、p484、 「量子コンピュータがある未来」、根本香絵 (2022)
  • 先端教育(Innovative learning) 「第二次量子革命における日本の教育課題と現状」(2022, November)