Nicholas M. Luscombe


Following a degree in Natural Sciences at Cambridge University (1993-1996), Nick studied for a PhD in structural biology with Janet Thornton at University College London on the basis for specificity of DNA-binding proteins (1996-2000). He moved to Yale University as an Anna Fuller Postdoctoral Fellow with Mark Gerstein, where he shifted research focus to genomics with a particular emphasis on gene regulation in yeast (2000-2004). He started his first independent research group at the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute (2005-2012), continuing the study of genomics and gene regulation. He returned to London in 2012 as Chair in Computational Biology at University College London and Winton Senior Group Leader at the Francis Crick Institute. Nick joined OIST as Professor of the Genomics & Gene Regulation Unit in 2021 and served as Dean of Research from 2022 to 2024. He has taken the opportunity of the move to OIST to study the genomics of marine plankton.

Nicholas M. Luscombe
Nicholas M. Luscombe