First Cephalopod Genome Decoded
英科学誌ネイチャーの表紙を飾った タコのゲノム解読に関する研究論文は、OIST分子遺伝学ユニットがシカゴ大学やカリフォルニア大学バークレー校の共同研究先ととりくんだものです。これにより、世界で初めて頭足類の全遺伝情報が明らかになりました。 OISTウェブサイト記事 「タコのゲノムを解読する」 にまとめられた本研究成果は内外の報道機関にとりあげれました。
The cover of the latest issue of Nature is about research by the OIST Molecular Genomics Unit and its collaborators: they have decoded and analyzed a species of octopus, making it the first cephalopod to be decoded. Read the OIST News Center article " Decoding the Genome of an Alien " and peruse the list below to see the many international media outlets covering the story.
- The Economist: "Octopuses, genes and intelligence: Tentacles that think."
- Science: "Octopus genome surprises and teases"
- Nature News: "Octopus genome holds clues to uncanny intelligence: DNA sequence expanded in areas otherwise reserved for vertebrates."
- NPR: "Octopus Genome Offers Insights Into One Of Ocean's Cleverest Oddballs."
- LA Times: What the Octopus Can Teach Us
- Nature Japan Digest 10月号: タコのゲノムから高知能の秘密に迫る
- NHK News Web: "タコの全遺伝情報を解読 生態の謎解明へ"
- フジテレビ: "世界初、タコのゲノム解読に成功 沖縄科学技術大学院大学"
- The Japan Times: "Japanese, U.S. universities decode octopus genome"
- 朝日新聞:知能高いタコ、全ゲノム解読 沖縄科学技術大学院大など
- 産経新聞:タコのゲノム解読 特殊能力解明へ
- 東京新聞: "タコのカムフラージュ術解明も? 全遺伝情報を解読:社"
- 日刊工業新聞: "沖縄科技大など、タコのゲノム解読に成功‐トランスポゾンが半分占め"
- 日経バイオテクONLINE: "沖縄OISTなど、タコのゲノムを解読、Nature誌の表紙に"
- "Descifrado el genoma del pulpo, el primer ser inteligente."
- The Wall Street Journal ウォールストリートジャーナル日本版: "タコのゲノム解読=進化解明に期待—沖縄科技大な"
- Deutschlandfunk (German Public Radio)
- Вести (VESTI) (Russian News Channel)
- Gizmodo: "First Complete Octopus Genome Will Unlock Cephalopod Secrets."
- ScienceNews: "How an octopus’s cleverness may have evolved: DNA analysis shows cephalopod makes wide variety of same proteins that spur nervous system development in mammals"
- Bio Impact: "タコの全遺伝情報を解読 生態の謎解明へ (NHK)"
- Science Life: "Octopus genome sequenced"
- Berkeley News: "Octopus genome reveals cephalopod secrets"
- Phys.Org: "First cephalopod genome contains unique genes involved in nervous system, camouflage."
- ScienceDaily: "Octopus genome reveals cephalopod secrets"
- The Baltimore Sun: "Octopus studies detail strange behavior and genetics"
- Los Angeles Times: "Octopus studies detail strange behavior and genetics"
- FIS Japan: "Octopus study aids to reveal its unique trait"
- ジョルダンニュース!: "軟体動物イチの知能派 タコの遺伝情報を解読 沖縄科技"
- エキサイト: "軟体動物イチの知能派 タコの遺伝情報を解読 沖縄科技"
- "Scientists Sequence Genome of California Two-Spot Octopus"
- UChicago News: "Landmark sequencing of octopus genome shows basis for intelligence, camouflage"
- Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News: "No Inky Cloud, No Camouflage Hides the Octopus Genome"
- Cape Times: "Octopus ‘first intelligent being on planet"
- infoZine: "Octopus Genome Sequence"
- Health Medicine Network: "Octopus genome sequence"
- International Business Times: "Octopus Genome Sequenced For First Time, Hints At Intelligence"
- Le Scienze: "Lo straordinario genoma del polp"
- Zee News: "'Alien' octopus genome sheds fresh light on evolution"
- CanIndia News: "‘Alien’ octopus genome sheds fresh light on evolution"
- Health Medicine Network: "Decoding the genome of an alie"
- Styrk: "Octopus studies detail strange behavior and genetics"
- Terra Daily: "Scientists decode octopus genome, reveal cephalopod secrets"
- OceanNews Weekly: Consortium for Ocean Leadership: "First-Ever Octopus Genome Sequence"
- Yahoo! Japan ニュース: "タコのゲノム解読=進化解明に期待―沖縄科技大な"
- ハザードラボ: "軟体動物イチの知能派 タコの遺伝情報を解読 沖縄科技"
- IRORIO: "「まるでエイリアン」-タコの全遺伝情報解読で神経生物学者がコメン"
- 2channel News Navigator: "【遺伝学】タコのゲノム解読に成功‐トランスポゾンが半分占める/沖縄科学技術大学院大な"
- MSNニュース: "タコのゲノム解読=進化解明に期待―沖縄科技大な"
- Technobahn: "Octopus Genome Sequence"
- Technobahn: "Octopus Genome Reveals Cephalopod Secret"
- mixiニュース: "タコのゲノム解読=進化解明に期待―沖縄科技大な"
- 時事ドットコム: "タコのゲノム解読=進化解明に期待-沖縄科技大な"
- アメーバニュース: "タコのゲノム解読=進化解明に期待-沖縄科技大な"
- ガジェット通信: "タコのゲノム解読=進化解明に期待―沖縄科技大など[時事]"
- 生物通: "诺奖得主Nature发布基因组研究重要成"
- ArcaMax: "Octopus studies detail strange behavior and genetics"
- People's Daily (Spanish): "Descifran el genoma del pulpo, el primer ser inteligente"
- ScienceNewsline: "Decoding the Genome of an Alie"
- ScienceNewsline: "Octopus Genome Sequence"
- ScienceNewsline: "Octopus Genome Reveals Cephalopod Secret"
- LiveScience: "Clever Creature: Photos of the California Two-Spot Octopus"
- Before It's News: "Natural GMOs Part 222: The octopus genome sequenced"
- Biology News Net: "Octopus genome reveals cephalopod secret"
- Gizmodo India: "First Complete Octopus Genome Will Unlock Cephalopod Secrets"
- ネタりか: "「まるでエイリアン」-タコの全遺伝情報解読で神経生物学者がコメン"
- 网易新闻: "研究发现章鱼有最独特基因 堪称地球最聪明动物(组图"
- Congoo News: "Scientists sequence octopus genome: A better understanding of cephalopods?"
- Mental Floss: "First Entire Octopus Genome Sequence"
- 長青網: "八爪魚聰明因有獨特基"
- The Daily Galaxy: "Decoding the Genome of an Alien --Today's Feature"
- Kansas City infoZine: "Octopus Genome Sequence"
- Pioneer News: "Scientists Map Out A Cephalopod Genom"
- Rapid News Network: "First Fully Sequenced Octopus Genome Reveals Secrets Of Cephalopod Intelligence"
- KRWG News 22: "Octopuses 'are aliens', scientists decide after DNA study"
- Technie News: "Researchers sequence genome of ‘alien’ octopu"
- Clapway: "Octopus Genome Reveals the Roots to Its Brilliance"
- Bioscience Technology: "Octopus Genome Sequenced"
- Sci-Tech Today: " Octopus Studies Detail Strange Behavior and Genetics"
- エキサイトニュース: " タコのゲノムは人間とほぼ同じ大きさ。並外れた知能を解き明かすヒントを発見(日米独研究)"
- 47 NEWS: "タコの頭の良さ証明 沖縄科学技術大学院大学など全ゲノム解読"
- 快適家電Life: "タコの頭の良さ証明 OISTなど全ゲノム解読 – 琉球新報"
- Yahoo!ニュース Japan: "タコの頭の良さ証明 OISTなど全ゲノム解読"
- バイオインパクト: "タコの頭の良さ証明 OISTなど全ゲノム解読 - 琉球新報"
- Care2: "This is How Super Smart Octopuses Are"
- Wildlife Extra: "Scientists discover just how surprisingly complex is an octopus' genetic code"
- 财经新闻滚动_搜狐资讯: "章鱼发现最独特基因 堪称地球最聪明动物"
- 中搜行业中国 : "章鱼发现最独特基因堪称地球最聪明动物"
- 网易房产博客: "地球上最聪明的动物 竟然是章鱼"
- 澳華網: "章魚發現最獨特基因 堪稱地球最聰明動物"
- Entorno Inteligente: "Secuencian el genoma del pulpo, el invertebrado más "inteligente" "
- 留园网: "章鱼被发现最独特基因 堪称地球最聪明动物(图)"
- LibertaGia News: "Genoma do polvo revelado na ponta dos seus oito tentáculos, ou dos “pés”"
- El Telegrafo: "Secuencian el genoma del pulpo, el invertebrado más "inteligente""
- 新闻频道_中国青年网 : "地球上最聪明的动物 竟然是章鱼"
- MedIndia: "Researchers Sequence the Genome of an Octopus, First Cephalopod to be Sequenced"
- 中国网 - 海洋中国: "章鱼发现最独特基因 堪称地球最聪明动物(图)"
- Rocket News: "Scientists declare that octopuses are basically aliens"
- 河南要闻-大河网: "章鱼独特基因堪称最聪明动物"
- Yahoo! News Canada: "Cooler Than You Think: Scientists Map Genetic Sequence of an Octopus"
- 微头条/微信聚合资讯: "章鱼堪称地球最聪明动物 有独特基因"
- HLNtv: "The octopus is way smarter than we thought!"
- The Daily Dot: "The octopus has the weirdest DNA map scientists have ever seen"
- Panorama Acuicola Magazine: "Octopus study aids to reveal its unique traits"
- 证券之星: "地球上最聪明的动物?竟然是章鱼!"
- TreeHugger: "This is how super smart octopuses are"
- IT之家: "堪称地球最聪明动物,竟是章鱼?"
- Omy: "八爪鱼聪明因基因独特"
- Sputnik International: "Scientists Hail Octopus as ‘First Intelligent Being on Earth’"
- MSN NZ: "Armed with 10,000 more genes than humans: Scientists hail the intelligence of the octopus"
- 西部网: "研究发现章鱼有最独特基因 堪称地球最聪明动物"
- Alaska Native News: "First-Ever Octopus Genome Sequenced"
- Lab Manager Magazine: "Octopus Genome Sequenced"
- 天津在线: "章鱼有最独特基因:堪称地球最聪明动物"
- 评校网: "研究发现章鱼有最独特基因,堪称地球最聪明动物"
- 天下网吧: "章鱼发现最独特基因 堪称地球最聪明动物"
- 新闻频道_中国青年网: "研究发现章鱼有最独特基因,堪称地球最聪明动物"
- Asian Scientist Magazine: "Octopus Genome Sheds Light On Their Intelligence"
- Immortal News: "Aliens Among Us: Scientists Say Octopus Is E.T."
- Clapway: "Is The Octopus An Alien, Or More Like Humans?"
- Science Recorder: " Brainiacs of the deep: Octopus genome reveals alien intelligence"
- Nature World News: "Octopus Have Been Found to have Unique Genes"
- Technobahn: "Octopus Have Been Found to have Unique Genes"
- 中国网(日本語): "タコはやっぱり“地球外生物”!?"
- 西部网: 日媒:"地球生命或起源于陨石撞击"
- National Institutes of Health: "Untangling the Octopus Genome"
- Ciencias Médicas News: "Untangling the Octopus Genome - NIH Research Matters - National Institutes of Health (NIH)"
- 川北在线: "研究发现章鱼堪称最聪明动物 能够改变皮肤的颜色和纹理"
- 産経ニュース:"タコのゲノム解読成功 特殊能力解明へ 沖縄科技大学院大"
- Livedoor ニュース: "タコのゲノム解読成功 特殊能力解明へ 沖縄科技大学院大"
- バイオインパクト: "タコのゲノム解読成功 特殊能力解明へ 沖縄科技大学院大"
- Current Biology: "Intelligent Life Without Bones"
- Can Mua: Octopus studies detail strange behavior and genetics
- TellMeBoss: 'Alien' octopus genome sheds fresh light on evolution
- 日経バイオテク:機能性食材研究 タコ