Incubator Member Interview:ThinkNature

Meet Yasuhiro Kubota, Founder and CEO of Think Nature, a biodiversity-focused startup originated from the University of the Ryukyus. Find out what led them to join the OIST Innovation Incubator and their expectations for the incubator moving forward.


Please tell us about your company's business.

We are a biodiversity-focused startup originating from the University of the Ryukyus. Our strength lies in using big data and AI to visualize the value of nature.

The core of our business is supporting corporate sustainability by providing information disclosure on risks and opportunities related to climate change and biodiversity, and offering business support for achieving net-zero and nature-positive goals. Recently, we've seen an increase in consulting related to TNFD (Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures) compliance, and we offer a web service called "GBNAT" (Global Biodiversity Automated Reporting) to address this. We also provide an educational app called "DugonsAI" aimed at promoting biodiversity awareness in Okinawa.

Currently, our primary clients are major listed companies in Japan, but we are also focusing on overseas markets. In May of this year, we exhibited at "VIVA TECHNOLOGY 2024," one of the largest tech events in the world, held in France.

What were the reasons behind your choice to join the OIST Innovation Incubator as a tenant?

Initially, we were looking for a registerable office, which led us to become interested in the OIST Innovation Incubator. Additionally, we were attracted by the many startup and research-related events held at OIST, as well as the opportunity to connect with OIST students and researchers for recruitment, which ultimately led us to join.

How are you currently using the OIST Innovation Incubator?

We currently rent one hot desk, but since most of our activities are centered around the University of the Ryukyus and the Naha area, we haven’t officially registered our office here. Also, our primary goal wasn’t to use a physical office, so we don't use the workspace regularly. ·

What benefits have you found in being part of the OIST Innovation Incubator?

Although we don't work in the office full-time, we appreciate being invited to various events at OIST. The support we've received when making inquiries has also been very helpful, as OIST has connected us with their partner institutions smoothly. 

What do you expect from the OIST Innovation Incubator in the future?

As we are currently advancing our recruitment efforts with an eye on global expansion, we would appreciate opportunities to introduce our company to OIST’s nature-related students and researchers.

Additionally, since many of the other tenant companies also focus on sustainability-related businesses, it would be great if OIST could host a business conference focused on global social issues. By collaborating with startups in the sustainable field around OIST, I believe we can promote both sustainability and business growth.

(Interview date: September 5, 2024)

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