csu FY2019 Annual Report 3.3 Figure 3

csu FY2019 Annual Report 3.3 Figure 3

Figure 3. CNOT7 catalytic activity is sufficient to maintain MEF viability. (A) Morphology of Cnot7-KO/Cnot8-flox MEFs infected with the indicated (retro + adeno) viruses. (B) Cell death was assessed as in Fig. 1D (n = 3). (C) Lysates were prepared from Cnot7-KO/Cnot8-flox MEFs infected with the indicated viruses and subjected to immunoprecipitation with anti-CNOT3 antibody. CNOT3 is shown in red to indicate a precipitated molecule. Lysates and IP were analysed by immunoblot. WT: CNOT7 wild-type, CN: CNOT7 lacking catalytic activity, DN: CNOT7 dominant negative mutant which lacks catalytic activity and an ability to bind to CNOT6/6L.

04 March 2024
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