A schematic showing the push and pull between the top-down and bottom-up pathways

A schematic showing the push and pull between the top-down and bottom-up pathway. The top-down pathway (in blue) represents one proactively acting on the world, whereas the bottom-up pathway (in red) represents one changing their perception on the world through sensory outcomes. These two pathways become inseparable through their dense interaction. Redrawn from Tani (1998).
A schematic showing the push and pull between the top-down and bottom-up pathway. The top-down pathway (in blue) represents one proactively acting on the world, whereas the bottom-up pathway (in red) represents one changing their perception on the world through sensory outcomes. These two pathways become inseparable through their dense interaction. Redrawn from Tani (1998).
This image appeared in the news article: "Expectations vs reality: How robots update their behavior based on their experience".
Copyright OIST (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, 沖縄科学技術大学院大学). Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).