Equipment Analytical instruments Electronics fabrication Fieldwork General Laboratory Equipment (-) Imaging Mechanical fabrication Nanofabrication Scientific computing Sequencing Vivarium Facet Equipment Category Group Electron microscopy LIDAR Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Optical microscopy Scanning probe microscopy X-ray Computed Tomography Facet Equipment Category External Use?YesConsultationNo - Any -Animal ResourcesBasic Lab SupportEngineeringEnvironmental Science and InformaticsInstrumental AnalysisMarine ScienceScientific Computing and Data AnalysisScientific ImagingSequencing Clear filters Olympus/Evident SD-OSR CSU W1 spinning disk confocal microscope Maker: Olympus/Evident Model: SD-OSR Laser: 405, 488, 561, 642 Objective: 10x/0.40 UPlanSApo WD3.1, 20x/0.75 UPlanSApo WD0.6, 30x/1.05 S UPlanSApo WD0.8, 40x/1.25 S UPlanSApo WD0.3, 60x/1.30 S UPlanSApo WD0.3, 100x/1.35 S UPlanSApo WD0.2 External Use: Yes | User/Staff Operated Scanning Electron Microscope SEM Maker: FEI Model: Quanta 250 The FEI Quanta is a Schottky field emission gun-scanning electron microscope (FEG-SEM), commonly used for high resolution imaging and surface characterization. External Use: Yes | User/Staff Operated Serial Block-Face Scanning Electron Microscope (SBF-SEM) Maker: Thermofisher Scientific Model: Teneo-VS The Teneo has a build-in microtome that allows the removal of a thin layer of resin with subsequent imaging of the remaining block-face to acquire high-resolution data of large volumes. External Use: No | User/Staff Operated TopoDrone LiDAR 200+ Maker: TOPODRONE/Velodyne LiDAR Model: TOPODRONE LiDAR 200+ LiDAR sensor with 300m working range (200m flight altitude range), triple return, GNSS connected, 360° FOV (programmable), and weighting 0.8kg. External Use: No | Staff Operated ZEISS LSM880 Airyscan confocal microscope Maker: ZEISS Model: LSM880 Airyscan Laser: 405, 458, 488, 514, 561, 633 Objective: 10x/0.45 Plan-Apo WD2.1, 20x/0.80 Plan-Apo WD0.55, 40x/1.30 Oil Plan-Apo WD0.2, 63x/1.40 Oil Plan-Apo WD0.19, 40x/1.2W C-Apo WD0.28, 5x/0.25 Flur WD12.5 External Use: Yes | User/Staff Operated ZEISS Lightsheet Z1 Maker: ZEISS Model: Z1 Lightsheet Laser: 405, 445, 488, 514, 561, 638 Filter: DAPI 420-470, CFP 460-500, GFP 505-545, YFP 525-565, Cy3 575-615, mCherry 585LP, DRAQ5 660LP External Use: Yes | User/Staff Operated Zeiss Elyra PS1 Maker: ZEISS Model: Elyra PS1 Laser: 405, 488, 561, 642 Objective: 10x/0.45 Plan-Apo WD2.1, 20x/0.5 EC Plan-Neofluar WD2.0, 63x/1.40 Oil Plan-Apo WD0.19, 100x/1.46 Oil α-Plan-Apo WD0.10 Camera: x2 EMCCD (Andor iXon 897 for PALM and iXon 885 for SIM) External Use: No | User/Staff Operated Zeiss Xradia Versa 510 microCT Maker: ZEISS Model: Xradia Versa510 Non-destructive 3D X-ray Imaging at Submicron Resolution External Use: Yes | User/Staff Operated Pagination First page 1 2
Olympus/Evident SD-OSR CSU W1 spinning disk confocal microscope Maker: Olympus/Evident Model: SD-OSR Laser: 405, 488, 561, 642 Objective: 10x/0.40 UPlanSApo WD3.1, 20x/0.75 UPlanSApo WD0.6, 30x/1.05 S UPlanSApo WD0.8, 40x/1.25 S UPlanSApo WD0.3, 60x/1.30 S UPlanSApo WD0.3, 100x/1.35 S UPlanSApo WD0.2 External Use: Yes | User/Staff Operated
Scanning Electron Microscope SEM Maker: FEI Model: Quanta 250 The FEI Quanta is a Schottky field emission gun-scanning electron microscope (FEG-SEM), commonly used for high resolution imaging and surface characterization. External Use: Yes | User/Staff Operated
Serial Block-Face Scanning Electron Microscope (SBF-SEM) Maker: Thermofisher Scientific Model: Teneo-VS The Teneo has a build-in microtome that allows the removal of a thin layer of resin with subsequent imaging of the remaining block-face to acquire high-resolution data of large volumes. External Use: No | User/Staff Operated
TopoDrone LiDAR 200+ Maker: TOPODRONE/Velodyne LiDAR Model: TOPODRONE LiDAR 200+ LiDAR sensor with 300m working range (200m flight altitude range), triple return, GNSS connected, 360° FOV (programmable), and weighting 0.8kg. External Use: No | Staff Operated
ZEISS LSM880 Airyscan confocal microscope Maker: ZEISS Model: LSM880 Airyscan Laser: 405, 458, 488, 514, 561, 633 Objective: 10x/0.45 Plan-Apo WD2.1, 20x/0.80 Plan-Apo WD0.55, 40x/1.30 Oil Plan-Apo WD0.2, 63x/1.40 Oil Plan-Apo WD0.19, 40x/1.2W C-Apo WD0.28, 5x/0.25 Flur WD12.5 External Use: Yes | User/Staff Operated
ZEISS Lightsheet Z1 Maker: ZEISS Model: Z1 Lightsheet Laser: 405, 445, 488, 514, 561, 638 Filter: DAPI 420-470, CFP 460-500, GFP 505-545, YFP 525-565, Cy3 575-615, mCherry 585LP, DRAQ5 660LP External Use: Yes | User/Staff Operated
Zeiss Elyra PS1 Maker: ZEISS Model: Elyra PS1 Laser: 405, 488, 561, 642 Objective: 10x/0.45 Plan-Apo WD2.1, 20x/0.5 EC Plan-Neofluar WD2.0, 63x/1.40 Oil Plan-Apo WD0.19, 100x/1.46 Oil α-Plan-Apo WD0.10 Camera: x2 EMCCD (Andor iXon 897 for PALM and iXon 885 for SIM) External Use: No | User/Staff Operated
Zeiss Xradia Versa 510 microCT Maker: ZEISS Model: Xradia Versa510 Non-destructive 3D X-ray Imaging at Submicron Resolution External Use: Yes | User/Staff Operated