News Institutional News Research Update Facet News type Algebra Analysis Artificial intelligence Atomic physics Biochemistry Bioinformatics (-) Biology Biophysics Biotechnology Botany Cell biology Chemistry Complex systems Computer sciences Condensed matter physics Cyber Security Data science Deep learning Developmental biology Developmental neuroscience Ecology Engineering and applied sciences Environmental sciences Evolutionary biology Fluid dynamics Genetics Genomics Health sciences Immunology Informatics Machine learning Marine sciences Material science Mathematics Mechanics Medicine Molecular biology Nanoscience Neuroscience Optics Organic chemistry Photonics Physics Physiology Polymer chemistry Psychology Quantum Quantum field theory Robotics Soft matter physics Structural biology Synthetic biology Synthetic organic chemistry Theoretical sciences Topology Virology Facet Specialty 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 (-) 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2005 Facet Date Created Clear filters Research Update Shining a Light on Bacterial Cell Division OIST researchers have revealed new insights into the process of E. coli cell division, aiding the search for new ways to target bacteria with antibiotics. 20 December 2017 Research Update Water without Windows: Capturing Water Vapor inside an Electron Microscope Scientists were able to demonstrate another way of viewing biological samples at high resolution. 11 December 2017 Research Update Hearing the Dawn Chorus: Okinawa’s New Acoustic Monitoring Network Using remote acoustic monitoring to track bird activity on Okinawa for the first time, scientists examined the distribution of birds on Okinawa. 06 November 2017 Research Update The Lord Howe Island Stick Insect Lives: A Story of Survival Researchers use genetic sequencing of museum specimens to confirm that the Lord Howe Island stick insect, once thought to be extinct, survived by hiding out on a nearby island. 06 October 2017 Research Update Toxic Cocktail: Okinawan Pit Viper Genome Reveals Evolution of Snake Venom Researchers have sequenced the Taiwan habu genome, comparing it to that of the Sakishima habu. These invasive species may be not as well-known as the native habu in Okinawa, pictured here. 04 October 2017 Research Update Say Hello to the 3D Obama Ant Three new ant species named in honor of key figures in conservation—Barack Obama, Ken Saro-Wiwa, and E.O. Wilson—are immortalized as 3D virtual avatars. 29 August 2017 Research Update Chillier Winters, Smaller Beaks Researchers find that cold winters contributed to the evolution of beak size in Australasian songbirds. 13 July 2017 Research Update Miniature Technology, Big Hope for Disease Detection Researchers develop a simple printing method to create effective disease detection tools. 29 June 2017 Research Update New Mechanism Behind Parkinson’s Disease Revealed Researchers have identified the toxic mechanism at work during an overabundance of alpha-synuclein, a protein linked to Parkinson’s disease, in neurons. 02 June 2017 Research Update Subduing the Rebellion: Unmasking Rogue Cells in the Immune System OIST researchers discovered a target to single out immune system cells responsible for auto-immune diseases such as arthritis or irritable bowel syndrome. 30 May 2017 Research Update Fish Eyes to Help Understand Human Inherited Blindness Discovery of a gene in zebrafish that triggers congenital blindness could lead to a suitable cure for similar disease in humans. 05 April 2017 Institutional News Robbed of Royalty: mutilation and social determination of female Diacamma ants Triggered by mutilation, expression of select genes determines social castes in Diacamma ants 17 February 2017 Pagination 1 2 Last page Media Coverage Coverage of OIST in the media and on the web Media Coverage
Research Update Shining a Light on Bacterial Cell Division OIST researchers have revealed new insights into the process of E. coli cell division, aiding the search for new ways to target bacteria with antibiotics. 20 December 2017
Research Update Water without Windows: Capturing Water Vapor inside an Electron Microscope Scientists were able to demonstrate another way of viewing biological samples at high resolution. 11 December 2017
Research Update Hearing the Dawn Chorus: Okinawa’s New Acoustic Monitoring Network Using remote acoustic monitoring to track bird activity on Okinawa for the first time, scientists examined the distribution of birds on Okinawa. 06 November 2017
Research Update The Lord Howe Island Stick Insect Lives: A Story of Survival Researchers use genetic sequencing of museum specimens to confirm that the Lord Howe Island stick insect, once thought to be extinct, survived by hiding out on a nearby island. 06 October 2017
Research Update Toxic Cocktail: Okinawan Pit Viper Genome Reveals Evolution of Snake Venom Researchers have sequenced the Taiwan habu genome, comparing it to that of the Sakishima habu. These invasive species may be not as well-known as the native habu in Okinawa, pictured here. 04 October 2017
Research Update Say Hello to the 3D Obama Ant Three new ant species named in honor of key figures in conservation—Barack Obama, Ken Saro-Wiwa, and E.O. Wilson—are immortalized as 3D virtual avatars. 29 August 2017
Research Update Chillier Winters, Smaller Beaks Researchers find that cold winters contributed to the evolution of beak size in Australasian songbirds. 13 July 2017
Research Update Miniature Technology, Big Hope for Disease Detection Researchers develop a simple printing method to create effective disease detection tools. 29 June 2017
Research Update New Mechanism Behind Parkinson’s Disease Revealed Researchers have identified the toxic mechanism at work during an overabundance of alpha-synuclein, a protein linked to Parkinson’s disease, in neurons. 02 June 2017
Research Update Subduing the Rebellion: Unmasking Rogue Cells in the Immune System OIST researchers discovered a target to single out immune system cells responsible for auto-immune diseases such as arthritis or irritable bowel syndrome. 30 May 2017
Research Update Fish Eyes to Help Understand Human Inherited Blindness Discovery of a gene in zebrafish that triggers congenital blindness could lead to a suitable cure for similar disease in humans. 05 April 2017
Institutional News Robbed of Royalty: mutilation and social determination of female Diacamma ants Triggered by mutilation, expression of select genes determines social castes in Diacamma ants 17 February 2017