News Institutional News Research Update Facet News type Algebra Analysis Artificial intelligence Atomic physics Biochemistry Bioinformatics Biology Biophysics Biotechnology Botany Cell biology Chemistry Complex systems Computer sciences Condensed matter physics Cyber Security Data science Deep learning Developmental biology Developmental neuroscience Ecology Engineering and applied sciences Environmental sciences (-) Evolutionary biology Fluid dynamics Genetics Genomics Health sciences Immunology Informatics Machine learning Marine sciences Material science Mathematics Mechanics Medicine Molecular biology Nanoscience Neuroscience Optics Organic chemistry Photonics Physics Physiology Polymer chemistry Psychology Quantum Quantum field theory Robotics Soft matter physics Structural biology Synthetic biology Synthetic organic chemistry Theoretical sciences Topology Virology Facet Specialty 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 (-) 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2005 Facet Date Created Clear filters Research Update Takamine Ants Collection Finds Home at OIST Okinawan ant expert Mr. Hidetsune Takamine donates his valuable ant collection to OIST. 27 November 2015 Research Update Sex Determination in Ants OIST researchers discover what makes ants male or female. 25 November 2015 Research Update Our Closest Wormy Cousins OIST and its collaborators have analyzed the genomes of two acorn worm species and found that approximately two-thirds of human genes have counterparts in the ancestors of these marine animals. 18 November 2015 Research Update Tropical Ants in Europe Comparisons of fossil and modern ant databases show where biodiversity changed and where it stayed the same. 08 October 2015 Research Update “Living Fossil” Genome Decoded Ancient Marine Animal Is Evolving Genetically Despite Little Change in Appearance 18 September 2015 Research Update Honey Bees Rapidly Evolve to Overcome New Disease Scientists find bees can recover from destructive mites within a few years. 19 August 2015 Research Update Decoding DNA’s Phonebook High-res genome catalogue captures long-distance calls between DNA segments that may influence diseases 04 May 2015 Media Coverage Coverage of OIST in the media and on the web Media Coverage
Research Update Takamine Ants Collection Finds Home at OIST Okinawan ant expert Mr. Hidetsune Takamine donates his valuable ant collection to OIST. 27 November 2015
Research Update Sex Determination in Ants OIST researchers discover what makes ants male or female. 25 November 2015
Research Update Our Closest Wormy Cousins OIST and its collaborators have analyzed the genomes of two acorn worm species and found that approximately two-thirds of human genes have counterparts in the ancestors of these marine animals. 18 November 2015
Research Update Tropical Ants in Europe Comparisons of fossil and modern ant databases show where biodiversity changed and where it stayed the same. 08 October 2015
Research Update “Living Fossil” Genome Decoded Ancient Marine Animal Is Evolving Genetically Despite Little Change in Appearance 18 September 2015
Research Update Honey Bees Rapidly Evolve to Overcome New Disease Scientists find bees can recover from destructive mites within a few years. 19 August 2015
Research Update Decoding DNA’s Phonebook High-res genome catalogue captures long-distance calls between DNA segments that may influence diseases 04 May 2015