News Institutional News Research Update Facet News type Algebra Analysis Artificial intelligence Atomic physics Biochemistry Bioinformatics Biology Biophysics Biotechnology Botany Cell biology Chemistry Complex systems Computer sciences Condensed matter physics Cyber Security Data science Deep learning Developmental biology Developmental neuroscience Ecology Engineering and applied sciences Environmental sciences Evolutionary biology Fluid dynamics Genetics Genomics Health sciences Immunology Informatics Machine learning Marine sciences Material science Mathematics Mechanics Medicine Molecular biology Nanoscience Neuroscience Optics Organic chemistry Photonics Physics Physiology Polymer chemistry Psychology Quantum Quantum field theory Robotics Soft matter physics Structural biology Synthetic biology Synthetic organic chemistry Theoretical sciences Topology Virology Facet Specialty 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 (-) 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2005 Facet Date Created Clear filters Research Update Back to Basics Professor Robert Sinclair proposes that simple explanations can be found for complex systems in nature by using rational numbers 05 November 2014 Institutional News OIST Hosts International Coral Reef Meeting Hinako Takahashi, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of the Environment, visited OIST to open the meeting of the International Coral Reef Initiative. 24 October 2014 Research Update Moving in the Quantum World C. M. Chandrashekar and Thomas Busch simulate the motion of a particle that can be in two or more places at once. 23 October 2014 Research Update Shaping the Way to See the World A new study of lens morphology through cell proliferation is helping to understand how complex biological structures form. 16 October 2014 Research Update Helping Local Fishermen Fight Off the Crown-of-Thorns Starfish In a cooperative effort with the local fishermen, OIST researchers are studying the population dynamics of Crown-of-Thorns Starfish. 10 October 2014 Research Update Two Leagues Under the Sea Béatrice Lecroq examines tiny organisms called foraminifera in one of the world’s deepest ocean trenches. 03 October 2014 Research Update Scrolling on Demand Jeong-Hwan Kim engineers a smart nanomaterial that rolls and unrolls in response to acidic or basic environments. 02 October 2014 Research Update OIST Welcomes Dr. Yohei Yokobayashi Yohei Yokobayashi joins OIST to lead the new unit on Nucleic Acid Chemistry and Engineering in an effort to understand the applications of chemistry in biological systems. 29 September 2014 Research Update New Solar Cells Serve Free Lunch Professor Yabing Qi and members of his research unit are using a new strategy to develop the next generation of solar cells, focusing in particular on decreasing costs. 24 September 2014 Institutional News Prof. Tadashi Yamamoto to Receive Prestigious Cancer Research Award The Japanese Cancer Association is awarding OIST Prof. Tadashi Yamamoto a prestigious award for his contributions to cancer research. 24 September 2014 Research Update Smartgels Are Thicker Than Water Professor Amy Shen develops smartgels, viscous and elastic substances with useful properties such as sensitivity to glucose spikes, which would help diabetics monitor their blood sugar. 19 September 2014 Research Update The Phylum Vertebrata: New Concepts Based on Advances in Animal Systematics The way in which most multicellular organisms have been classified has been the same for more than a century. But new research is changing how we see classification, specifically among Chordates. 17 September 2014 Pagination First page 1 2 3 … Last page Media Coverage Coverage of OIST in the media and on the web Media Coverage
Research Update Back to Basics Professor Robert Sinclair proposes that simple explanations can be found for complex systems in nature by using rational numbers 05 November 2014
Institutional News OIST Hosts International Coral Reef Meeting Hinako Takahashi, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of the Environment, visited OIST to open the meeting of the International Coral Reef Initiative. 24 October 2014
Research Update Moving in the Quantum World C. M. Chandrashekar and Thomas Busch simulate the motion of a particle that can be in two or more places at once. 23 October 2014
Research Update Shaping the Way to See the World A new study of lens morphology through cell proliferation is helping to understand how complex biological structures form. 16 October 2014
Research Update Helping Local Fishermen Fight Off the Crown-of-Thorns Starfish In a cooperative effort with the local fishermen, OIST researchers are studying the population dynamics of Crown-of-Thorns Starfish. 10 October 2014
Research Update Two Leagues Under the Sea Béatrice Lecroq examines tiny organisms called foraminifera in one of the world’s deepest ocean trenches. 03 October 2014
Research Update Scrolling on Demand Jeong-Hwan Kim engineers a smart nanomaterial that rolls and unrolls in response to acidic or basic environments. 02 October 2014
Research Update OIST Welcomes Dr. Yohei Yokobayashi Yohei Yokobayashi joins OIST to lead the new unit on Nucleic Acid Chemistry and Engineering in an effort to understand the applications of chemistry in biological systems. 29 September 2014
Research Update New Solar Cells Serve Free Lunch Professor Yabing Qi and members of his research unit are using a new strategy to develop the next generation of solar cells, focusing in particular on decreasing costs. 24 September 2014
Institutional News Prof. Tadashi Yamamoto to Receive Prestigious Cancer Research Award The Japanese Cancer Association is awarding OIST Prof. Tadashi Yamamoto a prestigious award for his contributions to cancer research. 24 September 2014
Research Update Smartgels Are Thicker Than Water Professor Amy Shen develops smartgels, viscous and elastic substances with useful properties such as sensitivity to glucose spikes, which would help diabetics monitor their blood sugar. 19 September 2014
Research Update The Phylum Vertebrata: New Concepts Based on Advances in Animal Systematics The way in which most multicellular organisms have been classified has been the same for more than a century. But new research is changing how we see classification, specifically among Chordates. 17 September 2014