SHIMA 2024

Okinawan high school students learn about sustainability sciences and island sustainability at SHIMA 2024

SHIMA 2024

From 13th – 15th August 2024, a group of 27 students from different high schools in Okinawa Prefecture participated in SHIMA, an annual workshop aimed to foster their interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and island sustainability, with four of the participants coming from Miyako and Ishigaki Islands. We received around 60 applicants from high schools across Okinawa Prefecture and the workshop was hosted by OIST and supported by U.S. Consulate General Naha and JTA airline.

During the three-day workshop, the high school students attended lectures by OIST PhD student and local experts in agriculture, marine conservation, and tourism.

The first day opened with an information session on scholarships and higher education opportunities in the United States by U.S. Consulate General Naha.  On the second day, speaker from OIST Marine Climate Change Unit, engaged with the high school students and provided a lecture related to sustainability from the viewpoint of scientific research.  The participants also went on educational field trips to observe coral reef and visited local fishing harbor to learn about coral planting to help restore dying reefs.  The last day, students learned about measures to prevent red soil runoff and visiting honeybee hive box on local farmland.  At the end of the workshop, the students presented what they had learned during the 3 days.

Thanks to many experts and assistants who have contributed SHIMA, the participants were able to experience a unique program full of enriching learning opportunities.

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