X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) / Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA) It is possible to obtain information about the elemental composition and the chemical state of the atoms by measuring the energy of photoelectrons emitted from the sample surface by X-ray. The information to be analyzed is obtained from several nm below the surface. This state-of-the-art XPS instrument has a capability to analyze the very small area where the user is interested in and a large area of the uniform sample surface.

ENG-N020 Ulvac phi quantes XPS

The PHI Quantes is equipped with a dual scanning X-ray source composed of a hard X-ray source (Cr Kα) and a conventional soft X-ray source (Al Kα), which have different energy values. The two different types of X-ray sources can be switched automatically, allowing users to analyze the same area and/or points of a sample. The PHI Quantes inherits the core technologies of the PHI Quantera II, which ensure the availability of the superior features such as automatic analysis, automatic sample transfer, turnkey charge neutralization, and advanced data processing. The PHI Quantes is an XPS instrument designed to pioneer new methods and applications transcending conventional ideas of what is possible.

X-ray source

Monochromatic X-ray source (Al Kα, Cr Kα)

Measurement area

Al Kα: 200 um – 7.5um

Cr Kα: 200 um – 14um


Low energy electron beam

Low energy ion beam

Ar ion gun



Additional system

Heating/Cooling system

Transfer vessel

Automatic measurement

Platen parking stage


Elemental composition

Chemical state of atoms

Depth profiling



The neutralizer is optimized automatically.

The monomer Ar ion gun and the cluster Ar ion gun can be used by switching in a short time.

Using the transfer vessel, it is possible to measure the sample without exposing it to the atmosphere.

Long term measurements are carried out automatically during day and night.


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Dual Scanning Monochromatic X-ray Source

Equipped with a dual scanning X-ray source composed of the monochromatic Cr Kα (5.4 keV) and Al Kα (1.5 keV), the PHI Quantes is capable of obtaining secondary electron images (SXI) by scanning X-ray beam over the sample, which precisely allows to identify areas and/or points where you want to analyze. Enhanced SmartSoft-XPS can control the X-ray anode position and the motorized mechanical shutter, which allows rapid switching between the Cr Kα and the Al Kα. The switchover requires no adjustments, making it easy to measure the same areas or points with both the Cr Kα and the Al Kα.

Dual Beam Source for Easy Measurement of the Same Spot

Software control of the X-ray anode allows rapid switching between the Cr Kα and the Al Kα. The switchover requires no adjustments, making it easy to measure the same spot with both the Cr Kα and the Al Kα.

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