X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

The AXIS Ultra DLD incorporates market leading AXIS technology includingco-axial charge neutralisation, magnetic immersion lens and real parallelimaging. Sample manipulation in the sample analysis chamber (SAC) isfully automated. Each component of the spectrometer will be covered in thefollowing sections with details description for operation of the spectrometer in spectroscopic and imaging modes X-ray source Monochromatic X-ray source (Al Kα) Conventional X-ray source (Al Kα and Mg Kα) Measurement area 700um x 300um – 15um in diameter Neutralizer Low energy electron beam Ar ion gun Monomer Additional system Heating/Cooling system Gas treatment chamber Transfer vessel Automatic measurement Additional method Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy (UPS) Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS) Information Elemental composition Chemical state of atoms Depth profiling Mapping Using the transfer vessel, it is possible to measure the sample without exposing it to the atmosphere. Long term measurements are carried out automatically during day and night.

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The AXIS Ultra DLD integrates the Kratos patented magnetic immersion lens and charge neutralisation system with the spherical mirror and concentric hemispherical analysers. Combined with the newly developed delay-line detector (DLD) for both imaging and spectroscopy the AXIS Ultra DLD is the very best spectrometer for analysts requiring unsurpassed performance.

The hemispherical analyser provides both high energy resolution and high sensitivity spectroscopic performance. Exceptional small spot capabilities (<15µm) ar achieved via a series af selected area apertures used in combination with the magnetic and electrostatic lenses. In parallel imaging mode photoelectrons are transferred to the patented spherical mirror analyser which produces real time chemical state images with better than 3µm spatial resolution.

The delay-line detector, comprising a multi-channel plate stack above a delay-line anode, is used for photoelectron detection in both spectroscopy and imaging mode With over 100 detector channels the DLD can also be use to acquire unscanned or 'snapshot' small spot spectra in a matter of seconds. Genuine pulse counting in 2D imaging mode means that quantitative parallel images can now be generated allowing greater insight into the lateral distribution of chemical species at the surface.

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